Go Electric Parks
Brendon James & Tracey O’ Haggarty
Delivered in collaboration with:
Metro Vancouver Regional Parks
Surrey City Hall, Vancouver, BC
This event was attended by Elected Officials and staff from regional and municipal governments and professionals from public and private organizations.
About the event
In 2022, Metro Vancouver Regional Parks (MV Parks) secured a Sustainability Innovation Fund (SIF) grant to plan and facilitate a series of events that showcase the electric equipment technologies in Municipal and Regional Park operations and support directives set out in Metro Vancouver’s Climate 2050 strategy. The purpose of the program is to support the integration and uptake of zero emission vehicles and equipment in park operations throughout the Metro Vancouver Region.
In October 2022, Brendon delivered a presentation to the Regional Parks Advisory Committee educational seminar, titled “Innovation in Electric Parks Operation and Maintenance Equipment,”
To complement this seminar, MV Parks contracted Brendon and Tracey to produce an in-person trade show style event called, “Go Electric Parks. In May 2023. This event provided an opportunity for commercial equipment manufacturers, vehicle manufacturers and vendors to showcase their innovative electric products.
Event Highlights
+ Opening ceremony by Surrey Mayor Brenda Locke
+ Display of LD, MD, HD Zero Emission vehicles
+ Display of Zero Emission landscaping equipment
+ Battery Powered Food Trucks
+ Display of BEV Tractor and Excavator
+ Photo and video documentation of the event
+ Event Scope, Schedule, Budget
+ Presentation stage content coordination
+ Brand Coordination
+ Sponsorship and Vendor Coordination
+ Venue selection and floorplans
+ Administration, Contracting and Reporting